Many of our customers and partners are web designers and developers, and use TriSys technologies to construct web sites, job boards and mobile applications.
All of these people will have come into contact with web frameworks which is a tool, or style, for constructing web sites by solving one or more problems which would otherwise have to be hand-crafted. A framework is generally an excellent idea as it allows much of the lower level detail to be abstracted away to let the developer/designer focus on actual content or presentation and manipulation of data.
There are a host of popular web frameworks such as jquery, sencha, kendoui, bootstrap, angular, ember, backbone, knockout, meteor, ionic, cappuccino, spine, qooxdoo, eyeballs to name just a few.
Should you use a web framework?
Just this week, google announced version 2.0 of Angular.js and this met with a very strong reaction from the community. It seems that we expect web framework designers to get it right first time and provide continual backward compatibility to preserve our existing and historic code bases. Is this unreasonable?
At TriSys, we have always used frameworks as they are now known. Historically, these would have been called 'components' and indeed all TriSys software is built using third party components from vendors such as Microsoft, DevExpress, Telerik, Infragistics etc..
More recently the concept of a component has been augmented with services such as those TriSys utilises from Google, Amazon, Microsoft etc..
Does TriSys use web frameworks?
Absolutely, but with great care. We also build our own responsive frameworks to solve the unique challenges our customers face. Sometimes our frameworks are built, or indeed inspired, by web frameworks from other vendors. This is an active and vibrant community where innovation is the only constant. Currently we are utilising KendoUI, Bootstrap and JQuery, and constructed our Apex framework to deliver the client-side functionality of Web API cloud data binding to provide feature rich recruitment technology to our customers.
In the future, we will use other vendors for sure. The web framework niche is going to get even bigger as the 'mobile web' increases in importance and apps become more sophisticated and connected.
You can expect TriSys to continue to be at the forefront of the leading egdes of software development.