TriSys Business Software has been in business since the early 1990's but was itself once a 'startup'. Over the years, we have helped many startup recruitment agencies, as well as starting new products and services, each one a startup.
This article introduces a simple framework of questions to which any startup company or project must answer: W52HM:
What, Why, When, Where, Who + How, How Much/Many
You should aim to answer each question:
What? What is the general concept of this company or product or service i.e. what is it?
Why? Why is there a need in any market for such a product or service?
When? Is this something that is needed today, next month, next year or in 5 years?
Where? Where will this product/service be designed and built, and where will it be distributed, sold, supported and maintained?
Who? Who will create and enhance the product/service and more importantly who will buy it?
How? How will this all work? What are your key differentiators to ensure success? Will you be first to market with something new, or better than what exists already?
How Much/Many? How much will it cost to get to market, and how much will you charge customers. How much money will you need from investors, and how much turnover and profit will you make? Or how many widgets will you manufacture, or how many staff will you need to hire?
If you are planning to start a recruitment agency, here is the framework for your business plan:
What: What is your specialisation? Are you targeting a particular industry/sector e.g. finance, insurance, manufacturing, or types of job roles e.g. scientific, or medical or engineering, or particular geography?
Why: Why is there a need or opportunity in this industry sector, or for this type of recruitment agency?
When: Do you want to start today or will the new emerging market be ripe in 12 months? When do you need to start hiring, and finding office space and equipment?
Where: Where are you going to be based and where will your clients and candidates work and live? Can you find high quality staff where you locate and also find enough top quality clients and candidates in the target geography or market?
Who: Who are your investors, bankers, management team, colleagues. Who will be your clients and type of candidates you can attract?
How: How will you start, build and grow your recruitment business. How will you win your first customers? How can you attract high quality candidates without a track record? How will you pay contractors and temps weekly if your clients pay on 90 day terms?
How Much/Many: How many placements do you expect to make in year 1? How much contract/temp margin will you make? How much in permanent fees do you expect? How many recruiters will you need, or how many clients for each recruiter? How many high quality candidates do you need to put forward to interview to secure each placement?
By answering all of the above questions, you will build your own W52HM oriented business plan and be able to more clearly understand the challenges that await you as an entrepreneur.
Good luck.