If you like Facebook in its current form, then you may not have noticed the problem that Samsung devices will no longer allow the Facebook app to be removed.
Now a few years ago you may not have had a problem with Facebook, however recent news articles indicate that a lot of users and paying advertisers are less than happy.
Facebook in recent months/years have seen themselves dragged through the press for data breaches, questionable censoring (or lack of), and how they use users data (let's not forget Cambridge Analytica). They have also been "invited" to the US congress and UK government (although Mr Zuckerberg would not come) to explain themselves.
Now, if you listen to the Samsung reps, they say you can "Disable" the app and it is the same as removing it (except for space), so if the "Disable" option is the same as removing it, then why not let us remove it?
Facebook are not the most trustworthy when using personal details, so can we trust that a "Disabled" Facebook app will not still continue to harvest personal data? .... NO, NO, NO and NO .
We are all aware that we purchase the hardware and accept the Terms and Conditions of the operating system and read them thoroughly every time it comes up, however you have to question " how " your personal data is used, regardless of long winded T&C's.
Is it not fair to expect that having paid the astronomical amount for phones/tablets these days, that you have the option to decide what to have (or not have) on it. Not according to Samsung who say :-
Well actually you did pay for the phone the way it is, no more, no less.
You own the hardware, but you have only licensed the software on it.
Samsung have been getting more restrictive on the apps you can't remove with each new version and before long all the onboard space will be taken up by compulsory apps. Samsung will then increase the memory capacity to compensate and ultimately charge you more, so you are actually going to pay Samsung to host apps that they decide you must have.
I have been a fan of Samsung forever , however I'm now beginning to question whether they deserve that loyalty.
In my opinion, they will now come under the same microscope as Facebook (and that may be a good thing) however they may end up losing long standing loyal customers and make very few new ones.
Wherever you are, Whoever you're with, Stay Safe.