Here at TriSys on our ASP (application service provider) Network, we were slowly approaching customers to move over to our new desktops with our TriSys 2020 Recruitment Software and were hoping for a phased move and product retirement during the whole of 2020.
With the current environment we now find ourselves in, we have to bring the moves forward and retire some of our older software and desktops.
Our TriSys Version 8 application is being retired
On our ASP Network, TriSys Version 8 has served us extremely well over the years, however no further development is scheduled for this version.
Version 8 has been replaced by our “TriSys 2020” Recruitment Software and has a modern fresh look and up to date features.
The core TriSys 2020 product is reliable, solid and proven, and has been used mostly by our newer customers where we have very high levels of satisfaction using this software.
On our ASP Network, we will be retiring our Version 8 application soon and move everyone over to our new application, and you can test our TriSys 2020 application alongside your Version 8 Application for a limited time before we move everyone over to solely using TriSys 2020 on the new Windows 10 Desktops which I will tell you about in a minute
To discuss your move to the new TriSys 2020 Application, please contact your TriSys Account Manager.
Our older desktops are being retired
Our TriSys Windows 10 Desktops are gaining momentum on our ASP Network, as customers continue to move over to a more powerful modern desktop, which has the new Microsoft Edge already installed, and with Microsoft Updates now done by the Desktop User, ensures that your desktop is fully up to date with the latest and greatest software at all times.
Your desktop costs remain the same when you move over.
To discuss your move to the new Windows 10 Desktops, please contact your TriSys Account Manager.
Google Apps Sync E-Mail is being retired
As we move everyone over to our new Windows 10 desktops, your Office 365 subscription can now be used directly on the new desktop.
You will also have access to our latest Recruitment Software “TriSys 2020”, and coupled with our new Office 365 Outlook Addin, you will see a fresh new look and easier access to your data.
For current Google Apps Sync users, please discuss with your IT company on moving to Microsoft Office 365.
To discuss your move away from Google Apps Sync, please contact your TriSys Account Manager.
Customer Data
We would like our customers help and ask that everyone removes non recruitment type data from their Document Folders and TriSys Drive and would ask all our customers to remove any non-essential data to their own local PC’s. (We have been asked to restore personal data and 3rd party PST files)
Within your Office 365 account you have 1Tb of storage that can be used for anything, and can be enabled through your subscription on our Windows 10 desktops.
If you have any concerns, please contact your TriSys Account Manager.
ASP Access
As we all move home, don't forget that you have various access points to your data.
To discuss how to access any of these, please contact
Stay Safe
We hope our customers, friends and families are all well in these challenging times.